Our contribution to the Group strategy

Our contribution to the Group strategy

Deutsche Bahn is pursuing an endeavor of fundamental importance – for the climate, for people, for the economy and for Europe: an endeavor to shift more traffic to rail. And DB's overarching strategy “Germany needs Strong Rail” will lay the foundation we need to be successful in that endeavor.

We as DB Bahnbau Gruppe are helping to promote Strong Rail by supporting the expansion and maintenance of the infrastructure and by using our innovative and sustainable products. To this end, we are concentrating on three key areas of expansion: more ROBUST, POWERFUL, MODERN.

A Strong Rail needs a strong DB Bahnbau Gruppe.

Deutschland braucht eine starke Schiene-Logo Deutschland braucht eine starke Schiene-Logo

Our Management

Markus Egerer

Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors/Engineering

Dr. Doris Radatz

Managing Director for Human Resources

Markus Faller

Managing Director for Finance/Controlling

Jörg Fenske

Head of Track Works

Andreas Saft

Head of Technical Systems

Peter Grimm

Head of Special Disciplines

Dr. Ali Akbar Elahwiesy

Head of General Contractor Projects

Anita Ludwig

Head of Human Resources Management, Conditions of Employment, Data Protection

Frank Pecher

Head of Controlling

Torsten Hesse

Head of Purchasing