This is green.

For a sustainable rail infrastructure.

Climate change is happening before our eyes and affects us all. But how do we counteract the perhaps greatest challenge of our time?

Deutsche Bahn AG is getting itself fit for the environment with future-oriented and sustainable initiatives and ideas. This is the motive behind “This is green.” – with over 160 eco-friendly measures. Here at DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, we are proud to already be a part of “This is green.” with eleven pioneering measures.

This means that today we are already making an important contribution and taking responsibility together with you, our customers, and our sustainable products. For the climate, for the European economy, for the Strong Rail, and for us people. To leave the coming generations with a planet worth living on as a result of our joint actions - Wouldn’t that be green?


Patrick Däfler

Head of Marketing, Communication, Sales Processes
DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH

Am Studio 1 A
12489 Berlin

E-Mail: Patrick Däfler
Telefon: +49 30 63987267