Qualification offers in track works

For top skills in track works.

The broad service portfolio of our vocational training and professional development centers offers a wide range of courses related to rail construction. With a total of 8,500 square meters of space for practice, theoretical knowledge from our modern seminar rooms can be consolidated by practical application. These practice facilities include practice tracks and switches, civil engineering facilities and measurement sections.

Our modular systems cover the vocational training and professional development areas of trackwork, overhead line, permanent way welding, track technology, and construction equipment. In this way, we pave the way for a successful career in rail construction – no matter whether you are a vocational trainee, skilled worker, or career mover.

Alongside the standard range of training services, our two training centers differ in terms of technical focal area.

Focal area in Augsburg:

- Advanced training and professional development, qualification of career movers

- Special training for permanent way welding

Focal area in Königsborn:

- Initial vocational training

- Teaching of construction equipment expertise

Königsborn and Dresden training center

Vocational training and professional development

For the target groups of vocational trainees, career movers, and managers in the field of track and the special disciplines, DB Netz AG, and construction companies.

Mitarbeiter schweißt

Training courses for career movers

The basics of trackwork and authorizations, as well as the foundations of surveying and measurements usually performed on tracks.

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