Technical Systems

For an innovative and sustainable rail infrastructure.

How do we at DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH contribute to a modern, future-proof infrastructure?

The demands placed on our railroad network change on an almost daily basis. More mobility, more goods transported by rail. This makes excellent technical systems a must on the line. With our innovative products and sustainable solutions, we develop answers to the questions of tomorrow, whilst reacting today to the growth in rail transport, alternative energy demands in the rail sector, and the need for reliable communication. The future starts with us.

Here with us, the “Technical Systems" service unit takes care of everything concerning the technical equipment of the rail infrastructure and beyond. Its three strong pillars of “Energy Systems”, “Train Control Systems”, as well as “Design & Development” provide the complete package with their comprehensive service portfolio – a package that turns the line into the Strong Rail of the future.

1. Energy Systems

Increasing mobility and goods requirements place ever-more complex demands on our rail infrastructure and its power supply. For a future-proof railroad network that is ready for operation at all times, our teams from the units “Overhead Line Equipment”, “Electrical Power Systems”, “Underground Cable Installation/Third Rail”, and “Alternative Energy Systems” develop and build pioneering as well as sustainable solutions and products which ensure that everything keeps moving.

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2. Train Control Systems

Our train control systems play a crucial part in safe, smooth rail transport operations. Experience in conceptual design and intelligent solutions are our hallmark when it comes to realizing the Strong Rail.

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3. Design and Development

DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH as a strong, independent complete service provider. Our service portfolio is extensive – from the design of electromechanical engineering projects, to the development of innovative solutions, right up to their implementation, we can offer all of this as a central contact partner.

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