For an environment worth living in

Article: For an environment worth living in

We care - at the Environmental Competence Center

The Environmental Competence Center is the first point of contact for all questions relating to the environment and sustainability in the DB Bahnbau Gruppe.

Supervision of construction measures

We provide support for environmental measures in construction and spatial planning with environmental impact assessments, environmental construction supervision, compensation and replacement measures for resources, landscape conservation planning in accordance with BNatSchG and implementation planning.

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Environmental and nature conservation concepts

We create concepts on the topics of climate and resource protection, renewable energies and water protection. If required, we can also provide a pollution control officer. We create nature conservation concepts, e.g. species, soil, water, climate and resource protection and offer advice in the field of nature conservation.

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Waste concepts

In compliance with the relevant legal requirements, including those relating to environmental criminal law and environmental liability law, we provide waste management officers. We draw up waste concepts and ensure that all waste, whether non-hazardous or hazardous, is disposed of properly.

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Soil protection and contaminated sites

We develop disposal concepts and deal with landfilling, material flow management, as well as the self-monitoring and operation of landfills and the handling of chemicals and pollutants.

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Environmental construction supervision

We provide advice on occupational health and safety when handling hazardous and non-hazardous waste. We provide an environmental construction supervisor in accordance with DB specifications and check before construction whether all environmental regulations and laws have been taken into account. During the construction phase, we provide support during implementation, maintain contact with the construction companies and specialist authorities and are available as a point of contact.

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Circular economy, life cycle assessment and sustainability

To provide a good overview of processes and their environmental impact, we support you with the preparation of life cycle analyses and life cycle assessments in accordance with ISO 14040/44 and the preparation of environmental product declarations. We advise on the topics of circular economy and sustainability, as well as on digital product passports.

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Our services at a glance:

  • Landscape conservation planning
  • Environmental construction supervision
  • Waste manager: Waste manager according to §59 KrWG
  • Creation of disposal concepts & waste concepts
  • Preparation of life cycle analyses and life cycle assessments in accordance with ISO 14040/44 & environmental product declarations